
Modern Mythology is an anthology project retelling myths from around the world in the modern day. The latest volume is called Modern Mythology: Folklore Retold. This is a 192 page volume containing 21 stories by talented teams of writers, artists, and letterers.

Who will love Modern Mythology: Folklore Retold?

Fans of: mythology, exciting retellings of classic tales, incredible artwork,

silly characters

Two years ago over 400 people supported the first volume of Modern Mythology, which was called Modern Mythology: The Heroes Journey. The excitement behind that book and the positive responses were overwhelming, and we actually started working on this new volume shortly after.

What are the rewards?

The comics created in this Kickstarter are limited edition. The book is nearly complete and ready to go to print in September. 

Modern Mythology: Folklore Retold is a 192 page softcover anthology collection featuring 21 stories. We are offering four different cover choices and extras including trading cards and a die-cut sticker.

Who created this book?

Modern Mythology was created and edited by Caleb Palmquist, but it is truly a collaborative effort. The 20 stories in the book include:

 Is'nana the Were-Spider: Soul Eaters (Choctaw Myth) by Greg Anderson Elysée and David Brame

 Galipote (Dominican Republic Folktale) by Juan Espinosa and Adrian Iglesia

 Phaeton (Greek Myth) by Stephen Lalonde, Caleb Palmquist, and Nick OG

 Beautiful Shoes (Norse Myth) by Katrina E. Kunstmann

 Volcanic Rhythms (Hawaiian Myth) by Kelly Latham

 God of Wealth (Chinese Myth) by Alan Bay

 Heart of Steel (American Folktale) by Matt Kund and Noah Ray

 The Leshiy (Russian Myth) by Alex Lewis and Caleb Palmquist

 Knock on Wood (Classic Superstition) by John Crowther and Jorge Luis Gabatto

 Prometheus (Greek Myth) by Alberto Rayo, Ruvian, and Diego Revelo

 Lorelei on the Apps (German Myth) by Caleb Palmquist, Lorelei Jonason, and CR Florence

 Lady of the Lake (Kenyan Folk Legend) by Frank Martin and Dan Scalisi

 The Answerer (Irish Myth) by JM Elwood and CR Florence

 Of Shadows and Playthings (Scandinavian Folklore/Lovecraft) by Eddy Hedington and Rahil Mohsin

 Avalokitesvara (Buddhist Teaching) by Cammry Lapka

 The Hummingbird (Puerto Rican Folktale) by Andrew Russell Birkett, Enrique Lopez, and Marimar Lopez

 Spring-Heeled Jack (English Folktale) by Phillip Charles and Kurt Belcher

 Three Sisters (Australian Aboriginal Myth) by Phoebe Xavier and Federica Di Tizio

 Threads of Things I've Read About (Various Traditions) by Noah Mease

 Meeting of the Gods (Various Traditions) by Travis Gibb and James Burton

The Book of Enoch by Kristofor Harris

Bringing the whole book together is Dave Lentz, designer and letterer extraordinaire.

Written by Andrew Russell    Art by ME and Maria Lopez

Layout for page one with pencils by ME.

Final Pencils and Inks for page 1 and 10

Page 1 Layout

Page 2 Layout

Page 3 Layout before my Backgrounds

Page 4 Layout

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